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Arkadi M. Rywlin International Pathology Slide Seminar Club

Seminar 46 - Images

Case 2
Dr. Gerald Berry

Case 2 - Berry, Figure 1 Fig. 1
Histiocytoid Cardiomyopathy

Case 4
Dr. Ira Bleiweiss

Case 4 - Bleiweiss, Figure 1 Fig. 1
Case 4 - Bleiweiss, Figure 2 Fig. 2
Case 4 - Bleiweiss, Figure 3 Fig. 3
Case 4 - Bleiweiss, Figure 4 Fig. 4
Case 4 - Bleiweiss, Figure 5 Fig. 5
Case 4 - Bleiweiss, Figure 6 Fig. 6

Case 6
Dr. Thomas Colby

Case 6 - Colby, Figure 1 Fig. 1
The case presented (AMR 46, T. Colby's case) shows a 3 mm focus of metastatic meningioma surrounding a bronchovascular bundle suggesting lymphangitic growth.
Case 6 - Colby, Figure 2 Fig. 2
Another case of metastatic, histologically benign meningioma showing fairly convincing lymphangitic growth along a bronchovascular bundle. This was a microscopic focus identified adjacent to a grossly identifiable nodule.

Case 9
Dr. Masaharu Fukunaga

Case 9 - Fukunaga, Figure 1 Fig. 1
Case 9 - Fukunaga, Figure 2 Fig. 2

Case 13
Dr. Elizabeth Montgomery

Case 13 - Montgomery, Figure 1 Fig. 1
Case 13 - Montgomery, Figure 2 Fig. 2

Case 16
Dr. Dominic Spagnolo

Case 16 - Spagnolo, Figure 1 Fig. 1
Case 16 - Spagnolo, Figure 2 Fig. 2
Case 16 - Spagnolo, Figure 3 Fig. 3
Case 16 - Spagnolo, Figure 4 Fig. 4
Case 16 - Spagnolo, Figure 5 Fig. 5
Last update: June 26, 2024
AMR International Pathology Slide Seminar Club